Spooky Season: What elements make for a great scary story?

When it comes to concocting a great scary story, one must follow a tried-and-true formula that ensures the reader will never sleep again—well, maybe not “never,” but at least have them considering leaving the bathroom light on. First, start with a protagonist who has as much common sense as a donut at a weight-loss convention. They must decide to go to an abandoned house, wander alone in the woods, or disrespect the ancient burial grounds (because who needs peace when you have plot?).

Next, a great scary story requires a setting with charming features such as perpetual darkness and more cobwebs than a senior spider retires home. The location must also be isolated enough that even the plot needs Google Maps to find its way back. The weather should be gothic-level stormy, cats that scream like they’re auditioning for a horror film, and a full moon for extra insurance coverage of clichés.

Then, introduce a villain with a backstory so tragic that even the reader feels tempted to offer a life-coach intervention session. This villain should possess abilities like walking impossibly slow yet somehow catching up with a sprinting student athlete or appearing in mirrors to give free jump scares. Just make sure they have an unsettling name, like Bob the Terrifying or Cynthia the Soul Collector.

Finally, sprinkle in the most uncomfortable scenario: a noise in the attic. It never turns out to be just old pipes settling. That’s the invite for your characters to ascend the dark staircase without any plan whatsoever. It’s virtually an Olympic sport in horror land.

Wrap it all up with an ending that resolves nothing, leaving readers in suspense, just like the never-ending wait for the mythical creature known as the ‘good airline meal’. Voilà, you’ve whipped up a great scary story—just don’t surprise your readers too much or they might spill their popcorn!

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